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Name: Beshimi

Age: ?

Height: 5’0”

Weight: 117 lbs.

Body Size: B 37"-W 30"-H 32" 

Hair: Reddish Brown

Eyes: Brown

Blood Type: O

Weapon: Poison Shells

As the smallest member of the Oniwabanshu, Beshimi is the best candidate for a spy. He is quick and agile wielding posionous spiral darts that he makes. Like Hyottoko, Beshimi was known as nothing but a "trick fighter", meaning he could basically do only one thing. Yet, Aoshi saw past all that when he asked Beshimi to join the Oniwabanshu.

Because of Aoshi's generosity, Beshimi served Aoshi loyally, not trying to disappoint his master. Beshimi had already proven his loyalty when he was one of the four Oniwabanshu members to stay when the others had all left Aoshi for new lives. Beshimi had sacrificied his life to stop Kanryu's gatling gun and was one of the key factors in doing so, as one of his spiral darts got stuck in the gatling gun's artillery belt.