Kihei Hiruma
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Name: Kihei Hiruma

Age: 45

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 186 lbs.

Body Size: B 44"-W 40"-H42"

Hair: Gray

Eyes: Brown

Blood Type: O

Weapon: No Weapon

Kihei is the older brother of Gohei, but only in the manga, however. When Kaoru's father had passed away, Kihei was found hurt outside of the Dojo Kamiya. Since then, Kaoru took him in and allowed him to become the dojo's housekeeper. Yet, all Kihei seemed to do was urge the young girl to sell the dojo and live her life in peace, rather than trying to rebuild a school that had slowly become defamed. Kihei's true motives were discovered shortly after it was learned that he had been working with his brother that was posing as the Battousai of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu. The real reason Kihei wanted Kaoru to sell the dojo was because it had a high land value; he could care less about Kaoru's well-being. Just when it looked like that Kihei's devious plans would follow through, he was busted when the true Battousai, Kenshin Himura, came to the aid of Kaoru.

The Hiruma Brothers were thrown in jail afterwards, but they somehow got free and managed to employ the services of a street fighter named Zanza, who's better known as Sanosuke. The two wanted to get their revenge on Kenshin, but it ended up that their plan backfired. So, the brothers decided to leave Tokyo and head off to Shinshuu, Sanosuke's hometown, where they became hired by Fudosawa, the town's magistrate, as his new bodyguards. However, the two were quickly relieved of their duties once they had unfortunately encountered Sanosuke again. They were humiliated right in front of their employer and were never heard of again.

Of the Hiruma Brothers, Kihei is the brains of the body. Because of his old age, he is most likely a poor fighter, thus explaining why Gohei does all of the physical dirty work.