Mumyoi Yatsume
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Name: Mumyoi Yatsume

Age: ?

Height: ?

Weight: ?

Body Size: ?

Hair: ?

Eyes: White

Blood Type: ?

Weapon: Bandan Jiraihou, Left Claw

Mumyoi comes from a clan of gold miners that are known for their refined bodies. They had lived rather peaceful lives until gold began to run low in Japan, so to provide for his clan, Mumyoi used his body for fighting to support his people. He joined the Yaminobu at one point, but when he encountered Battousai in the Forest of Barriers, he was defeated. A rule of the Mumyoi Clan is to kill whoever sees their face, thus Yatsume spent fifteen years elongating his left arm in preparation to kill the only man to see him and live.

When Mumyoi agreed to join Enishi's Jinchuu campaign, he hid in the headquarter's ceiling, just so that none of his comrades would see his face. He revealed himself at the battle at the Dojo Kamiya once everyone except Enishi was eliminated, but was forced to face Hajime Saitou before he could get a chance to tangle with Kenshin once again. Mumyoi eventually lost and was later arrested. Although Kenshin offered Mumyoi the chance to face him one-on-one when all of his injuries were healed, it's assumed that Mumyoi never bothered.

Like Saitou, Mumyoi is left-handed. Worn on his left arm is a massive claw that can dig through the toughest of grounds. The weapons given to him by Enishi, Bandan Jiraihou, were ceramic shells used in the Ming Dynasty that could be placed underground to explode when stepped on or when the fuse was pulled.

Practically all of Mumyoi's body is refined, including his teeth. The only thing Mumyoi has that isn't refined is his gruesome tounge, which he was born with. What angers him the most is when he is referred to as a monster because of his appearence, and Saitou had did just that.